Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception (EC) is sometimes mistaken for the abortion pill, or Mifeprex.  EC will NOT end a pregnancy. If you are looking for information on the abortion pill, please visit our Medication Abortion page.

What is it?

Emergency contraception (EC), or the “morning-after pill,” is a dosage of pills that can be taken up to 5 days after intercourse to attempt to prevent pregnancy. If EC is administered within the first 24 hours, it is more likely to effectively prevent a pregnancy from occurring.

Emergency contraception does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases or infections. It is also not recommended that EC be used as your primary form of birth control, but as a back up when other options of contraception are not available. 

How does it work?

Emergency contraception pills contain the two hormones most commonly found in birth control pills: estrogen and progestin. Just like birth control pills, emergency contraception can prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg, stop or delay ovulation, and can prevent a fertilized egg from attaching itself to the lining in your uterus.

How effective is emergency contraception?

If emergency contraception is taken within the first 24 hours following intercourse, there is a greater chance that a pregnancy will be prevented.  However, you can take EC up to 5 days after intercourse and still effectively prevent a pregnancy. The sooner you take the pills, the greater your chances are at preventing a pregnancy from occurring. For more information on the effectiveness of emergency contraception, visit this website: http://ec.princeton.edu/questions/QA-OTC-access.html

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